Oh my goodness, an award, which is so exciting and very much appreciated. It was bestowed on me by the amazing Angel who so very patiently first helped me into blogland. Thank you so much. I feel I haven't really justified this wonderful form of communication as I struggle with the technicalities of links and uploads and even making my page look pretty has eluded me thus far! It has taken me two days of sneaking on to the laptop amidst "What on earth are you doing" comments, just to find out how to "get" this award! I will persevere though and eventually it will become second nature..... I hope. Please bear with me when I get it wrong.
Now I need to add this text which goes with the award and explains what it is for
"The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in proximity in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be new friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandisement. Our hope is that when ribbons of these awards are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give your kind attention to these writers."
I believe I should pass it on to 8 people, but I think that most of those "I know " have already been most worthy recipients. In the interests of improving my skills though, I shall just see if I can practice using the information kindly given by Gem and Raspberry Grace . Oooh yes, I've done some linkys, hoooray!!! I should like to say a huge thank you to all those who have helped and encouraged me with my faltering attempts and please accept the award again with my love.
Whoooooooa, another award has just come my way too
This has just flown over from Mary at Home sweet Home. Thankyou so much, that is so sweet of you. I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed now and may just have to sit down with a cup of tea while I recover from my joy at achieving all this technical stuff. Not only that but the postman has just delivered this
So, what's a girl to do. A comfy seat and check 'em out I suppose. They are all trial copies, so a bit of almost free house porn!

Oooh already spotted some pretty mugs. You might be able to just make them out in the top righthand corner. They're from Tesco at £2 each.For the moment I'll continue with my cuppa in this one, though sadly the cake plate is bare, since the diet began!
Anyone got some virtual cake please?

well done for gaining the award!
Ohhoo D you have made me smile :)
Well done on your brilliant technical abilities, it takes ages I know and have much to learn but hey it is all good fun don't you think
I am loving these trial magazine offers though havent a clue how to obtain these trial ones and I love the flowers.
Your kitchen sounds adorable, views of horses, now what could be nicer :)
Good Luck
I knew there were no flowers when I was thinking it, :) My age :) It was your pretty cup on your cake stand I meant to say
Well done on your awards!!!! And for working out how to do it!!!!!!!!!! And lovely to hear somebody else has the stripey sheets - I love them to bits.
I like those Tesco mugs - may have to see if I can fit in a visit. Wish it was around the corner!
My trials have come to an end *sobs*
Wondering if its morally wrong to reapply in the other halfs name - hmmm!!
I'll share some virtual cake with you - as a fellow dieter :)
I had to go in a bakers today to order rolls for the wedding reception..absolute bloomin torture :0!!!!
Ywes you are right the napkin card tutorial is from the SC Cafe
Really Easy, the napkins I had were from rexinter.com
a lovely company that sells many pretties :)
Lovely post honey, and because you have left such a nice message on my blog, you can steal the award.. *titters*
Love and hugs X x X x X x X x X x X
Hello...thank you for popping in! I used my staple gun to hold ot in place...:>))
Have a good day!x
I love it, and I have used it on all my swaps since I received it. Its very special as it was part of my very first swap :) Sorry for copying the design though xx
Oi Windy, come on where is all the blog posts? miss you. :-(
Love and hugs honey Mwah XXXXXXXX
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